Introducing Airplantman

Airplants have a personality all their own.  Thumbing their nose at convention, airplants live without soil, free in the air.  Mild mannered Josh Rosen was captured by their powerful allure and Airplantman was born.

On the go and with limited space, Airplantman needed a creative solution to display and care for his beloved airplant entourage.  Not just any design would do; it must elevate airplant display to an art form, be simple to use and healthy for airplants.  As a landscape architect, artist, and horticulturalist, Airplantman was up to the challenge.  Built with an eye for fine design, craftsmanship, sustainability, and a genuine obsession for all things airplant, the Airplantman Designs product line was introduced to the world.In The Studio Page

Airplantman Designs - Nature Elevated

Vertical gardening should be easy.  Motivated by this belief and a love for elegant design with a fun factor, Airplantman has changed the way we look at plants.  Airplants (tillandsia) thrive suspended in air, unconstrained by the limits of soil. This incredible ability, combined with their otherworldly forms, inspired Airplantman to create products as unique as the plants themselves.  Designed so everyone can create their own living artwork, the Airplantman product line showcases tillandsia’s airborne nature – truly nature elevated.Planting your Frame page

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